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a unique opportunity to share your transplant news stories
with the transplant community and the world!
Some advantages of getting
published on Transplant News
Tell your transplant story and share your journey
Expand your influence in transplantation
Share your cause and innovations with the world
Expand your reach in the transplant world
Improve SEO with back links included in your posts
Spread awareness about your unique transplant story
Be published on TN, our email update and social profiles
Be featured on a world-class transplant news organization
Many more!
Who should consider becoming a
Transplant News publisher?
Transplant patients with a story to share
Non-profit foundations
Family members, caretakers, support systems
Donor families and living donors
Transplant supporters
Transplant bloggers
Transplant professionals
Transplant companies
Anyone who's passionate about transplantation
Details, Requirements & Aids
Only transplant related stories are considered for publication
Stories are subject to approval
Patients, family members, living donors, caretakers, non-profits organizations, and other non-for-profit individuals can submit up to one story per week, always free!
Individuals & Non-profits: once your story is live on TN we'll share the post through all of our networks; social media, email, etc., which you also agree to do on your end
Non-profit organizations provide Transplant News with a donation receipt for $299 for each published post
Stories must be up to 1000 words or less, may include calls to action and up to 2 external hyperlinks or regular links
To avoid issues from publishers or compliance companies, you or your organization must own all rights or have full permission to post, republish, or rewrite your story and images, and agree to take full responsibility for their accuracy
Please forward or copy communications granting permission to use the story and images to the story submission email provided at the bottom - We will conduct Copyscape verification to ensure originality