Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for men in the United States, with nearly half of men having high blood pressure. One man from the Treasure Coast, Morteza Zaval Gorba, ignored warning signs and suffered a heart attack at work. He eventually received a heart transplant and now urges men to get screened for heart conditions regularly. Experts emphasize the importance of annual checkups, maintaining good blood pressure, a healthy weight, daily exercise, and a balanced diet to keep the heart healthy. Zaval Gorba regrets ignoring his health for so long and hopes others will learn from his experience.
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for men in the United States, with nearly half of men having high blood pressure, a significant risk factor for heart disease, according to data from the CDC. Morteza Zaval Gorba, a resident of Port St. Lucie, shared his urgent message with CBS2 News after ignoring warning signs and suffering a heart attack at work due to his unhealthy lifestyle choices. Gorba underwent a heart transplant at the Cleveland Clinic Weston in 2020 and now advocates for men to prioritize regular screenings for heart conditions to prevent similar health crises.
Dr. David Ban, a heart health expert, emphasizes the importance of annual checkups and daily habits to maintain a healthy heart. He advises individuals to manage their blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and indulge in moderation when it comes to sweets or alcohol. Gorba reflects on his past neglect of his health, urging men not to make the same mistake and take proactive steps to care for their hearts before it’s too late. By addressing heart health early, many issues can be prevented or managed more effectively.
The prevalence of cardiovascular disease is staggering, with one person dying every 33 seconds in the United States, highlighting the urgent need for increased awareness and proactive measures to combat this deadly condition. Gorba’s personal journey serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of prioritizing heart health and seeking preventive care to avoid potentially life-threatening consequences. As men are encouraged to take Gorba’s experience to heart, Dr. Ban’s recommendations offer practical steps to promote heart wellness and overall well-being.