Desperate Family in Search of Double Lung Transplant for 2-Month-Old Daughter

A Virginia couple is desperately seeking a life-saving double lung transplant for their 2-month-old daughter, Kylie, who suffers from a rare lung disorder called surfactant protein B deficiency. This condition leads to deadly respiratory failure within the first few months of life with no known cure or treatment. Doctors have determined that a double lung transplant is Kylie’s only hope for survival, but the procedure cannot be performed in Virginia. The couple is now planning to relocate to the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, where the success rate for this operation is 96 percent. However, there are no guarantees, and if Kylie’s condition worsens, she could lose her spot on the transplant list. To be considered for the transplant, both parents must be with Kylie throughout the entire process, meaning they must quit their jobs, leave their 9-year-old daughter behind, and move to Houston with their 1-year-old son. The couple has set up a GoFundMe page to support them during this challenging time, and they are sharing Kylie’s journey through a Facebook group called “Kylie’s Lung Transplant Journey.” Despite the uncertainty, the couple remains hopeful, believing that God will provide Kylie with her miracle.

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